Friday 2 May 2008

Three Images Created to Meet a Clients Needs P4

Image One EnCert

EnCert is a new company that have asked me to make a new logo for their website and letterheads.

They provide certificates to home buyers to show how 'green' the house is. This is legal requirement for homes sold in the UK with 4 or more bedrooms.

Image Requirements

EnCert wants to make sure that the image shows they are a good clean source of energy and it also has to look professional as they are a quality company.

My Rough Design

Techniques Used

This image was create using 5 layers. 2 layers for the text and 3 layers for the images. The 2 circles were put on separate layers so i could choose which one would go on top of the other. The background image of the leaves was a new layer not a background.


This image catches the eye of the reader on the website or when they read EnCerts letter. You can clearly see that they want to be a clean energy provider from the image. You can clearly see that 'En' and 'Cert' are different as they have a capital letter before the word.

The text and the background are in green to show how 'green' the energy they supply is.

Image Two Vizual Impact

Microsoft has approached the company Vizual Impact to allow them to have a billboard poster at their next show. Microsoft want to have a poster showing off their new operating system.

Image Requirements

The image must be scaled down as if you were to make it full size it would be pixelated. The image needs to be scaled down correctly to show that you can get the size right. It needs to be able to fit onto a large piece of card.

My Rough Design

Techniques Used

This image was created using 6 layers. 4 layers are for the text and 2 layers are for the windows image and the black background. I have used a glow on the main windows text to give it more emphasis and make it stand out more. It also looks professional as there isn't a massive amount of colour everywhere.


I think that this image clearly states the new windows that is out. The large font for the text clearly states what the name of it is and what company has made it. The colours look good and make the text stand out over most things. The big logo stands out the most and this will grab most attention, this will then make people read on and see the new windows.

Image Three Roadside Sign

An organic fast food mobile has requested a new sign that they want to use by the side of the road to get people to go to the fast food mobile.

Image Requirements

The sign has to be large so that people driving can read it. The sign has to be scaled down as if it wasn't the sign would be pixelated. The sign needs to be in full colour and noticeable.

My Rough Design

Techniques Used

This image was created using 6 layers. 3 layers for text and 3 layers for images. I have used a glow on the text to make it stand out more and the image is big enough for people to see what it is. It is on a white background so it is ideal for a road side sign as white paper is usually what you buy to put in these, it is also cheaper.


I think that this image could have more emphasis on the food it is selling. For example put more images on the poster and slightly less big text. This would make the sign have more food on it and would look better. Although the text does stand out and grab your attention it could be more clearer.


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